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发布者: [发表时间]:2011-03-22 [来源]: [浏览次数]:




   姓   名:     王世红

   职   称:     教授

   职   务:    

   办公室:     主楼309




王世红,教授,博士研究生导师。吉林大学学士、硕士,北京师范大学博士。主要从事非线性动力学和复杂网络研究,在国内外期刊上发表SCI 收录三十余篇。




1. Wang Shihong, Kuang Jinyu, Li Jihua, Luo Yunlun, Lü Huaping, Hu Gang (2002), Chaos-based secure communications in a large community, Physical Review E 66, pp.065202.

2. Wang Shihong, Xiao Jinghua, Hu Gang (2002), Spatial order appearing at instabilities of synchronous chaos of spatiotemporal systems, European Physical Journal B 30, pp.571-575.

3. Tang Guoning, Wang Shihong, Lü Huaping, Kuang Jinyu, Ye Weiping, Hu Gang (2003), Chaos-based cryptograph incorporated with S-box algebraic operation, Physics Letters A 318, pp. 388-389.

4. Wang Shihong, Ye Weiping, Lü Huaping, Kuang Jinyu, Li Jinghua, Luo Yunlun, & Hu Gang (2003) “Spatiotemporal-chaos-based Encryption Having Overall Properties Considerably Better Than Advanced Encryption Standard”, Commu. Theor. Phys. 40(1) pp.57

5. Ye Weiping, Dai Qionglin, Wang Shihong, Lü Huaping,Kuang Jinyu, and Hu Gang (2004), A highly secure chaotic cryptosystem and its experimental realization in communications under strong channel noise, Physics Letters A, Vol.330 (1-2), pp.75.

6. Wang ShihongLü Huaping, and Hu Gang (2004), Periodity of chaotic trajectories in realizations of finite computer precisions and its implication in chaos communications, International Journal of modern Physics B., Vol.18, No.17-19, pp.2617.

7. Lü Huaping, Wang ShihongLi Xiaowen, Tang Guoning, Kuang Jinyu, Ye Weiping and Hu Gang (2004), A new spatiotemporally chaotic cryptosystem and its security and performance analyses, Chaos., Vol.14, pp.617.

8. Lü Huaping, Wang Shihongand Hu Gang (2004), Pseudo-random number generator based on coupled map lattices, International Journal of modern Physics B., Vol.18, No.17-19, pp.2409.

9. Lü Huaping, Wang ShihongLi Xiaowen, Tang Guoning, Kuang Jinyu, Ye Weiping and Hu Gang, (2004) “Security analysis of a spatiotemporal-chaos-based cryptosystem,” Chinese Physics, 53(5).pp.625-632

10. Lü Huaping, Wang ShihongLi Xiaowen, Tang Guoning, Kuang Jinyu, Ye Weiping and Hu Gang, (2004) “A spatiotemporal-chaos-based cryptosystem taking advantages of both synchrous and self-synchronizing acheme,” Chinese Phys. Lett., 21(6), 1016.

11. Wang Shihong, Liu Weiqing, Ma Baojun, Xiao Jinghua and Jiang Daya, (2005) “Phase synchronization of Chua circuit induced by the periodic signals”, Chin.Phys.14(1) 55-60

12. Ying Zhang, Shihong Wang, Jinghua Xiao, HILDA A CERDEIRA, S CHEN and GANG HU(2005) “Pattern formation in chaotic spatio-temporal systems”, Pramana Journal of Physics 64(6) 927-937.

13. Wang Shihong*, Yang junzhong, (2007), “The effect of the asymptotic response dynamics on the generalized synchronization”, Eur. Phys. J. B 55, 89–92.

14. Wang Shihong, Hu Gang (2007), Hash function based on chaotic map lattices, Chaos, Vol.17.No.2, pp.023119.

15. 李晨,王世红(2007)基于改进混沌hash函数的一次签名方案”,计算机工程与应用. 43 (35) 133-136

16. Wang Shihong, Hu Gang, (2008) Comment on “On the security of a spatiotemporal chaotic cryptosystem [Chaos 17, 033117(2007)]”, CHAOS 18, 038102.

17. Wang Shihong, Xie Yuanfang, Qu Zhilin ( 2008) Coupled iterated map models of action potential dynamics in a one-dimensional cable of cardiac cells, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 10, 055001.

18. Wang Shihong Li Da, 2010Security analysis of a multiple pseudorandom-bit generator based on a spatiotemporal chaotic map CHINESE PHYSICS B Vol. 19, No. 8 080505

19. Wang Shihong and Shan Pengyang, (2011),Security analysis of a one-way hash function based on spatiotemporal chaos Chin. Phys. B Vol. 20, No. 9 090504

20. Shihong Wang, Da Li, Hu Zhou,(2012),Collision analysis of a chaos-based hash function with both modification detection and localization capability Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 17 (2012) 780784

21. Da Li, Gang Hu, Shihong Wang,(2012),A keyed hash function based on the modified coupled chaotic map lattice Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 17 25792587

22. Shihong Wang, Gang Hu, (2012), Coupled map lattice based hash function with collision resistance in single-iteration computation, Information Sciences 195, 266–276929VC

23. Hu Zhou, Shihong Wang(2012), Collision analysis of a parallel keyed hash function based on chaotic neural network, Neurocomputing 97, 108–114,  013PV

24Shihong Wang, Gang Hu, Hu Zhou(2014), A one-way coupled chaotic map lattice based self-synchronizing stream cipher. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19905913

25Yang Chen*, Zhoujian Cao, Shihong Wang and Gang Hu, (2015), Self-organized correlations lead to explosive synchronization, Physical Review E 91, 022810, CF1LP

26. Lei Chen,ShihongWang*, (2015), Differential cryptanalysis of a medical image cryptosystem with multiple rounds, Computers in Biology and Medicine 65, 69–75.

27. Renfu Liang, Xue Tan, Zhou Hu, Shihong Wang*, (2015), An efficient parallel pseudorandom bit generator based on an asymmetric coupled chaotic map lattice, Pramana 85(4), 617-627.

28. Mengxi Wei, Shuo Huang, Jing Wang, Haihong Li1,Hujiang Yang and Shihong Wang*, (2015), The study of liquid surface waves with a smartphone camera and an image recognition algorithm, Eur. J. Phys. 36, 065026.

29Yang Chen, Shihong Wang, Zhigang Zheng, Zhaoyang Zhang* and Gang Hu*(2016) Depicting network structures from variable data produced by unknown colored-noise driven dynamicsEPL, 113 18005.

 30. Lei Chen, Bing Ma, Xiaohong Zhao, Shihong Wang*(2017), Differential cryptanalysis of a novel image encryption algorithm based on chaos and Line map, Nonlinear Dyn 87(3)1797-1807

 31.Yang Chen, Zhaoyang Zhang, Tianyu Chen, Shihong Wang* & Gang Hu*(2017),Reco nstruction of noise-driven nonlinear networks from node outputs by using high-order correlations,Scientific Reports 7:44639

32. Yang Chen, ChaoYang Zhang, TianYu Chen, ShiHong Wang*, and Gang Hu* (2017), Reconstruction of noise-driven nonlinear dynamic networks with some hidden nodes, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, July 2017 60 (7): 070511

33Rundong Shi, Changbao Deng and ShiHong Wang*2018Detecting directed interactions of networks by random variable resettingEPL 124 18002

34Lisha Ma, Lei Chen and ShiHong Wang*  (2019), Security analysis of a reversible watermarking algorithm for encrypted images in wavelet domain, Multimedia Tools and Applications 7898279843

35.Rundong Shi,Gang Hu,Shihong ShiHong Wang*(2019),Reconstructing nonlinear networks subject to fast-varying noises by using linearization with expanded variables, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 72,407–416

36.Lei Chen, Junxin Chen, Geng Zhao, and Shihong Wang*(2019),Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Chaos-Based Watermarking Scheme, IEEE ACCESS 7,: 97549-97565.



